Pretty In Pink D I Y Flower

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Daisy has come up with a wonderful new concept so simple and very effective, helping to calm anxiety and enhance mental health recovery.
Daisy owns the International Intellectual Property rights to Fabric Attachment System for Flowers ( fabric flowers made from recycled wool and other recycled fabric.)
Each petal is individually treated and cut to create the flower design and placed in the D I Y Flower Bag with a booklet and 5 petals, a flower eye, button and transparent cord for gathering petals and attaching eye. Then for the Magic of The Fabric Attachment System.
Your beautiful flower can be worn on hats , scarves, coats , skirts , dresses ..A loop attachment which I primarily designed to attach to a button on my skirt can be hung on wall hooks too.
The Fabric Attachment System allows for a magnet to be incorporated. Daisy has introduced a simple but effective metal flower stem with detachable butterfly to compliment your flower.